
Amdavad Municipal Transport Service is India’s oldest Municipal Transport Corporation for local Transport Service.


  • Student’s Concession Scheme : 

Term pass - Rate for Boys Rs. 400/- and for Girls Rs.350/- Per month. 

The students studying in Government recognized and granted schools, colleges and vocational training institute, on producing the Identification certificate of their Institute, can get a concession pass. Student can use this pass for any bus, any route, any times. The concession charge is monthly Rs.400. Children between 3 and 12 years are charged at uniform rate. 

Students bus-concession forms are issued free of charge at Ritz hotel, Lal Darwaja concession office. Concession pass is issued after 15 days by submitting the duly filled in form as per rules and regulations. This facility is also available at Municipal Civic Centers (on Computer) when there is rush time in the beginning of both the terms. 

  • Free one year pass(till 31/3) for the blind : 

Civil Surgeon, RMO from Municipal General hospital or Principal of the blind school can issue certificate for 100% blindness and on basis of that Janmitra card is issued to the blind person for  free journey in AMTS buses. 

  • Free one year pass(till 31/3) for Deaf & Dumb : 

The application from for such person’s concession is available at Lal Darwaja Ritz Hotel, Concession office at the free of cost. The applicant has to get the certificate from civil surgeon. RMO from Municipal General Hospital or Principal of Deaf & Dump school.  On producing such certificate an identification card is issued to the beneficiary. It is valid from 1st April to 31st March and can be renewed up to years thereafter. Then the pass-holder has to apply again to get another card.They can travel with free pass till 3 years.

  • Free one year pass(till 31/3) for the Handicapped : 

The application form is available at Lal Darwaja Ritz Hotel, Concession office. Persons with defective organs or handicapped have to bring the certificate issued by civil surgeon or RMO of municipal General Hospital, based on that an Identity card will be issued to them adhering certain rules.They can travel with free pass till 3 years.

  • Concession for mentally challenged children and their Wards(till 31/3) :

 Such students are unable to travel alone for going to school. Hence they are eligible to obtain free pass only for going to and coming back from their school. Their parents or wards also get such pass to accompany their child to school at the concessional rate. 

  • Free pass(5 years) for senior citizens (the age above 65 years):         

Such persons have to obtain the application form free of charge from Lal Darwaja Ritz hotel concession office. They have to produce any one of the following proofs showing their age:

  • Adhar Card

  • Birth Certificate

  • Certificate from govt. or municipal hospital

  • S.C Certificate

  • Pension card

  • Valid Driving license

  • Passport

  • School leaving Certificate

  • Retirement Card

  • Income tax PAN Card

  • Election card

  • or Semi Govt. Identity card 

For the proof of their address, they have to produce ant 2 of the following documents: 

  • Adhar Card

  • Passport

  • Valid Driving license

  • Pension card

  • Municipal Tax Bill

  • Electric Bill

  • Telephone Bill

  • Identification card from closed mill

  • Election card 

Affidavit will not be considered as a proof. The holder of the pass can travel for nay distance and as many times as he wants.  

  • Concession for Sportsmen (1 year -till 31/3): 

The sportsmen have to obtain the application form from Traffic General Section, Transport House, Jamalpur with the payment of Rs.5. according to the rules of the scheme, athletes who participated in games at interstate or international level for last 3 years constantly, can produce the certificates as proof and get Identity card. They can travel in AMTS buses paying minimum fare for any distance.  

A - Monthly Pass Scheme:         

According to the Scheme the pass-holder can travel for 30 days by paying the fare for 15 days.  

B - Quarterly Pass Scheme:  

According to the scheme the pass-holder can travel for 90 days by paying the fare for 45 days.  

C - “Travel as you like” monthly pass scheme:    

Under this scheme, a monthly pass is issued at the cost of Rs.1000 for a month. The pass-holder can any time, in any AMTS bus, as many times as he wishes.  

D -  “Travel as you like” Quarterly Pass Scheme: 

         Under the scheme, the pass-holder, by paying Rs.2500 for 3 months, can travel in any route, any time and as many times as he wishes to travel in any AMTS bus.  


  •   Night Bus - Services:  

Night bus services between 10.30 PM and 1 PM is provided from Lal Darwaja and Kalupur bus terminus to specified areas. Similarly in the early morning 5.00 AM also the service is provided from certain areas.  

  •    Free – Pass travelling Scheme: 

  A - Passes for Press-Reporters: 

The following documents are to produce to obtain Reporter passes: 

  • N.I Certificate

  • Declaration form

  • A. Certificate for circulation of the newspaper

  • 3-Passport size photographs

  • 10 copies of the latest newspaper

  • Identity proof as a reporter 

Serial No. (i) to (iii) original certificates to be produced at traffic General section of AMTS. 

     B - Free one year pass(till 31/3) to municipal councilors and members of the AMC/AMTS– Board: 

Application is to be submitted to municipal secretary, who will present them to the competent authority, and them the pass will be issued. 

     C - Free Bus-pass to the valid union post-holders for the one year (till 31/3): 

The letter from respective union president is to be received together with 3 passport size photographs of the applicant, the competent authority will them issue the pass.

     D - Free Pass for freedom fighters and their windows for the one year(till 31/3):          

The applicant has to submit certificate from District Magistrate (collector), copy of Identity card, Bank documents about payment of pension, copy of Rationing card, and passport size 3 photographs at the traffic General Section, where necessary procedure will be executed. 

     One year free pas(till 31/3) for the elderly persons staying in the old age homes: 

The old persons staying in home for the old for more than 3 months, produced payment receipt of fees from Govt. Authorized old age homes and 3 passport size photographs. The traffic General section will take further actions on it. 

  •  Lost property services:         

Many passengers forget their belongings either in the bus or at the terminus. Such articles are deposited at Traffic General Section, and efforts are made to trace the passenger. If the person is found, the competent authority returns the article after checking the genuity. If the owner is not found, such articles are disposed either through auctions or through donations.

  •  Hiring the Rocker Crane:        

The borrowers have to contact the office personally and pay the deposit Rs. 1000 – for first hours and thereafter Rs. 500 for every additional hour or part thereof. This service is available during the period except 10 PM to 6 AM, only in the operational area of AMTS. 

  • Complaint Department:         

The traffic General Section takes care of the complaints about AMTS buses or suggestions from the common people. Moreover advice and suggestion received from ministers, members of the assembly, and municipal councilor and due actions are taken for the same. 

  • Redressal of the Complaints:         

The commuters can lodge their complaints by letter or personally write in the complaint – Book available with the chief Terminus officer, the complaint must mention Badge number of the defaulting driver/conductor, Bus number, route number, time, place and his own name and address. When the complainant is personally called for by the authorities, he must attend at the required place.